Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

I am sure I have used this title before - for a post where I make tons of excuses for not posting. I am holding up my left hand in the shape of an L right now. Between working extra, I worked a sixty hour week two weeks ago, training for my half-marathon (which has slackened), making time for family, trying to clean (sort-of), and trying to go to bed earlier no matter what the house looks like, preschool activities, and carting the kids around town so that I can work more, blogging has fallen by the wayside. But yesterday I baked something and took pictures, so that I could share it with fellow pumpkin eaters. And today I took some pics of the kids playing outside, because they were just too cute playing side by side. So please bare with my unorganized soul and do not abandon the Dotte, for I will post something decent soon.

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