Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hibernation vs. Agoraphobia

Today we went to lunch with my Uncle Joe and Aunt Sherri. I think this was the second time this month that the kids have been out of the house. I hope that this is just a phase, since it is winter and Charlotte is only five months old. I want my children to experience life, and playing outside like I did when I was a child. Anyway we went to Fritz's and had a wonderful time. It was pure entertainment to watch Joe marvel at the trains. I almost forgot that he is in the tyrannical threes.
Does this look like the face of a dictator? Definitely the hat of a dictator!
Joe trying to suck the very last drop of David's chocolate coke.

Finally, a family snapshot where I don't look absolutely horrifying...

Aunt Sherri getting some Charlotte sugar. Poor Charlotte's hair. I admit I can't style hair, and I have no clue how to apply make-up. These were two angst's I had about reproducing a daughter. I am afraid she is on her own when it comes to beauty secrets.

Uncle Joe, we are so glad that you are home. Aunt Sherri, I am so happy and thankful that you are a part of our family. I enjoy every moment we spend together, and you just exude a vivaciousness for life. It is infectious. We love you two very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok. That made me cry! I absolutely love spending time with you too. Joe and I agree you have a terrific family and it's obvious you both have the parenting skills it takes to bring those babies up in a wonderful, loving way. They are lucky to have you both........and some day they will know it as we do now! Thanks for letting us share in your day.