Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I thought I would  post randomness as I sit on the couch with feet up, drinking coffee and waiting for the mailman to bring the next Mad Men dvd.

Today was my first day back to the gym since I was 15 weeks pregnant with Betsy.  Boy, my body aches and I love it.  I love to sweat.  Sweating is a drug - just like running.  Hopefully, running will come again soon, once I figure out how to heal my foot.

Taken in the Summer of 2009.  The kids and I drove down to my dad's farm.  That is one thing I miss, spending days loafing around at the farm.  Quiet, fresh air, smoke from a fire, nothing but green.  

I want another pair of cowboy boots.

Not sure what this was about?
Eating green beans.  Hindsight is 20/20.  Notice the unilateral squinting? Yes, it could have been from sunlight, but most likely it was the fact that he could barely see.
Where heaven and earth meet.
Now, the mail has arrived and I have a date with Don Draper and several loads of laundry.

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