Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who, Who is Responsible for my Sleepless Nights?

Recently, David and I splurged on a new toy. For months I have been stalking this Canon point and shoot camera. David protested stating that I didn't need one (which I never said I needed one), but with some plea bargaining I convinced him of the purchase. This little camera has a 20x optical zoom, my major selling point to David, which allows us to photograph some of the little critters that inhabit our yard. And ever since this little package hit our doorstep, I have been salivating to photograph our yard's most notable inhabitants (other than the children), our owls. Pretty amazing, their "who-whos" and their squawking never cease to pause me in my tracks and make me take note.

The owls seem to own real estate throughout the neighborhood. I don't think our house is the only house they frequent. But yesterday and today, this particular owl was napping in the trees close to our house. In fact, I think he was perched on the same branch two days in a row. I spent quite a while trying to find the best angle to obtain a clear shot, and it was interesting to watch him watching me. Hands down, the owls are one major reason I would think twice about selling our home and moving.

1 comment:

Dane said...

That is awesome! Very impressive results with the new camera! I too have a secret love of owls. We see them on the trail behind out house all of the time. I think that you are luckier getting to see them in your yard.