Monday, March 3, 2008

My Little Beaner

Nothing to exciting. Today we went to Joe's two year well child check up. Before Joe, I always thought of toddlers as terrible, but he is freaking hilarious. I love when Joe talks with people, and especially other adults. He makes direct eye contact, babbles on and on, and best of all he uses his eyebrows to express himself. It's one of my favorite things about him. After our doctor's appointment we went to Target, and then Margarita's, because mom wanted Mexican food all weekend. Again, how funny can a two year old be? Well, pretty damn funny. First off, he loved his chips and salsa. When I wasn't looking he ate a spoonful of salsa, and if I tried to break up his chips into smaller pieces, he threw a fit, because he wanted them big enough to dip in the salsa. I ordered Joe a bowl of pinto beans and spanish rice. Towards the end when he couldn't scoop out the beans anymore, he lifted up the bowl and tipped them back into his mouth. I am not sure I have ever seen or heard of such an overzealous (child age) eater. What a character. Beans were everywhere. I tried to display this with the pics below, but we only had Dave's camera phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is definitely cute! By the way, Happy Birthday! I hope you took some time to celebrate and pamper yourself.