Friday, November 7, 2008

Please, Don't Tell My Husband

Please, please, please, you all know me. For the most part I try to keep things simple. Yes, periodically I find little addictions for a week or two, and then they usually fade away. Little addictions like shopping on ebay, making paper cranes, baking pie crusts, and stamping (which I still really enjoy, but due to finances and baby related items I have taken a temporary hiatus). Anyway, I think I have found an addiction that may last quite a long time. And if anyone remembers, I said, "the only reason I am scared of having a baby girl is because I won't be able to fix her hair..." That's my story and I am sticking to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, so I want to see a pic of your little mama in one of those clips.